MHMS Archery Coach Earns Apples for Teacher Award


During the Carbon School Board meeting that was held on Wednesday, July 10, Mont Harmon Middle School’s (MHMS) Physical Education Explorations Teacher and Archery Coach Tom Lasslo was awarded AJB Broadcasting’s Apples for Teacher award for May.

AJB Broadcasting’s Scottie Kraync began the presentation by reading the nomination letter from Rusty Truman, a parent of Lasslo’s students.

“Every once in a while, you meet a teacher that can inspire kids to challenge themselves and strive to be better. Tom Lasslo is one of those teachers,” the letter read.

Truman’s daughter attended his class in sixth grade then joined the archery club, shooting at a competition level for three years. She has taken the skills she has learned from Lasslo’s archery team to continue shooting at the high school level.

“He is an outstanding teacher and coach, but his work with the National Archery in School Program (NASP) deserves special recognition,” Truman stated in his letter.

Lasslo established the archery program at MHMS, taking time and creativity to set the program, as well as gathering bows and targets. Lasslo has even set up shoots and competition to help his team garner more time shooting at the competition level.

“His enthusiasm and positive attitude are infectious and students love his classroom and archery practices and, without him knowing it, they learn respect, integrity and sportsmanship,” wrote Truman.

Truman concluded his letter by expressing that the dominance of Carbon School District in NASP is a direct result of Lasslo’s efforts of going above and beyond for his students. “His dedication, excellence in coaching deserves the highest recognition.”

AJB Broadcasting will continue to present the Apples for Teachers award each month once the school year has begun. Starting this September, they will also be recognizing teachers in the Emery County School District as well. To nominate a teacher, send an email to with your reasoning on who deserves to be recognized.

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