Millsite Dam Rehabilitation Projected Finish Date Set For July 2021


By Julie Johansen

The earthwork at the Millsite Dam is in the touch-up and finishing stage. Road-base gravel will be added to the crest next week now that the heavy equipment travel on there is complete. This will make it ready for driving. Grading and reconstruction of the golf course is now starting as well as reclamation of barrows and non-use areas around the dam. The earth work is finished now as much as it can be until the spillway is complete.

The water is still going over the spillway at this time but is expected to stop around June 20 or shortly thereafter once the inflow no longer exceeds the water usage. Concrete work has continued because of the temporary walls constructed prior to the spilling. The south side could not be done presently due to the flow. However, the work has been focused on the north side. Preparation of the floor has also continued in order for the walls to be further constructed when possible.

The projected finish date is now July 7, 2021. The initial estimated completion date was December 2017. This delay is due to the mis-design of the concrete work and the length of time it took for government approval of the new design.

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