NextWave Politics Founder Speaks on Political Engagement


Press Release

Hello everyone! My name is Evelyn Halk. I am the Carbon High’s Social Science Sterling Scholar and founder of NextWave Politics, an organization designed to encourage civic engagement among youth, foster dialogue between older and newer political generations, as well as, make finding political information more accessible. Questions about government or politics can be submitted via Email, Instagram, or Facebook. Questions will be answered periodically with input from local political leaders, teachers, and other public figures.

To dive right in, today’s question is “Why is political engagement important?” and was submitted by a local 17-year-old.

Political engagement is so crucial for the health of our society because it sets democracy apart from other governing systems. The ability to elect officials is a direct demonstration of a government that is “by the people, for the people.” Electing individuals to represent us, whether on a county-wide or nationwide scale, puts our world and society into the hands of those elected. The ability to directly contribute to the world being built around you is a privilege. Although many think that their vote is not necessary or crucial, the more people go out and vote, the more their vote becomes pivotal. Even though voting is an excellent way to engage in your community politically, there are also many other ways to involve yourself, regardless of age. With the endless amount of information on the internet, learning about local events, candidates, and movements around you has never been easier. However, ensuring that the information you’re consuming is reliable is incredibly important. Identify the author’s motive and the intended audience to determine what information is trustworthy and what is not. Attending local council meetings, educating yourself on current events, and joining local committees are also accessible ways to involve yourself. Lastly, submitting your questions about politics and government to NextWave Politics is a way to get engaged!

NextWave Politics


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