Nine Mile Canyon Experiences Flooding, Continues Construction


Press Release 

As of Tuesday, the initial 2.5” lift of HMA is completed to Gate Canyon and Nielson Construction’s paving crew is moving back to the Harmon Canyon intersection to lay the next 2” of HMA in this section of the roadway. Rain events in the canyon have complicated paving activities, but Nielson Construction is still on target for completion of the project as scheduled.

The paving crew will continue to work this week pending rain and flooding events, which can cause pavement placement delays. Crews are working intermittently through the lower portion of the canyon to remove debris from the previous flooding events.

Please drive with care and use caution to avoid debris that could possibly be on the road as well as the haulage trucks and other crews removing debris. Flaggers will be present at the paving area. Please obey the signage and speed limits. Expect 20 to 30 minute delays due to construction.

To avoid being caught in a flood event, avoid the canyon if the possibility of rain is likely.

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