Emery Water Conservancy District, P.O. Box 998, Castle Dale, Utah 84513 intends to conduct weather modification programs in Utah to increase precipitation. The area in which the effects are intended to occur are in the higher elevation snowpack accumulation regions in portions of Eastern Sanpete and Western Carbon and Emery Counties. The operations may be conducted during portions of the period from December 1, 2024 to April 15, 2025. Weather modification operations will be conducted using automated liquid propane dispensers.

Persons interested in this permit application should contact the Utah Division of Water Resources; 1594 West North Temple, Box 146201, Salt Lake City, UT 84114-6201; telephone (801) 707-8820

Emery Water Conservancy District
Jay Mark Humphrey, Manager
P.O. Box 998
Castle Dale, UT 84513

Published in the ETV Newspaper September 18 and September 25, 2024.

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