Orangeville City Council Addresses Citizen Concerns


By Julie Johansen

Orangeville City Council met on Wednesday, Sept. 18 for their monthly meeting. The first action item was a request by Weston Dye to consider putting a yield sign on 100 East and 100 South. His concern was that it is the corner of the elementary school and, at different times of the day, very busy. Upon looking a the site, it was reported to the council that there are yield signs there. Consideration was given to a stop sign because of the four-way traffic.

Jonathan Johansen from Johansen and Tuttle Engineering then gave a presentation about putting two ponds above Orangeville on two drainages to help with flood control. One pond would be located west of the coal haul road and the other southwest of town near the Magnuson Church Farm. They have been working on this for about five years, with most of the work above Joe’s Valley Reservoir, but now it is time to submit the Environmental Assessment (EA) to the NRCS for funding.

Kasey Savage with the NRCS then spoke to the council about the Watershed Operations Program, available through the government agencies, with their focus being flood prevention. He suggested coordination of entities for the projects, such as Orangeville City, Emery County, Special Service District and the Water Conservancy District for future financial responsibility. This will be a no-cost flood prevention project, though maintenance will be needed.

It was further reported that this would be a 50 year minimum or 100 year maximum project. Mayor Shaun Bell felt that further conversations with other entities was needed before the council took action. A motion to table was approved.

Nosh Arrien, Castle Dale Maintenance foreman, then spoke to the council about the research he and another had conducted with regards to Orangeville Cemetery sprinkling system needs. The system had low volume, too low for a pump to help. He recommended changing sprinklers with a new system of valves. These changes would not only save water, but cut man hours and help to use time more effectively.

Arrien would volunteer to help Orangeville City workers. Mayor Shaun Bell thanked Arrien and commented that it was time to get it fixed to save money in the long run. A motion to get bids and move forward was approved by the council.

Mark Brotherson then read various parts of the Short Term Vacation Rental Ordinance to the council. As he did, he told them of the violations of this ordinance by Red Rock Air B&B. He called for the city to enforce the ordinance, as his neighborhood is greatly bothered by the noise, numbers and drinking at the Air B&B. The council then spoke about what is reasonable and unreasonable and about meeting with the owners of the business.

They remarked they are trying to help but need time to speak with their attorney, the Planning and Zoning Council, and once again would like to put all parties together to reach a solution. The last time this happened, Brotherson would not attend.

Elan Axis needs to bring proof of water shares to the city in order to get a building permit. It seems that the water certificates have been lost. He had 20 shares and bought 10 more but they have not been brought to the city. He can begin dirt work on his property, though a building permit is needed to begin building.

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