Price City Addresses Concerns Over Construction on New Maverik Location


Price City Mayor Mike Kourianos and Community and Human Resources Director Nick Tatton addressed some concerns and provided information regarding the construction for the new Maverik location in South Price on Carbon Avenue.

Tatton stated that he believes some of the concern stems from the notion that when something happens in a neighborhood, that neighborhood is on a heightened awareness. This is a big project with a lot of activity and moving parts. The city has received some citizens complaints and concerns that were really centered on dust control, construction staging and some traffic congestion on 6th South.

Tatton said that every time a concern was voiced, the city has followed up on them, particularly early on in the project. He acknowledged that there was a fair amount of validity in the complaints and that he and Mayor Kourianos have both been on-site and worked with the contractor.

He said that even within the last week, he has had the contractor in his office discussing expectations and there are certain things that the residents may not actually see or understand. Tatton stated that he believes the crew may have been a bit lax in the beginning, but they have been better.

They have no longer witnessed the dust problems that they had early on and the Price City Police Department has addressed the parking. There is activity and it does change what occurs in that area, which makes it a tough situation as the city is sympathetic to the concerns of the residents. On the other side, those that bought the property have the right to develop it.

“When they’ve needed follow-up, we’ve followed up,” Tatton stated.

Another concern that has arisen is that constraints of the streets are primarily a problem. 6th South will be widened and will be even better. Carbon Avenue is a state road and the city actually does not have jurisdiction there, but the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) has reviewed the accesses and construction access should only be coming through Carbon Avenue.

The Carbon County Building Department have been alerted to complaints as well. Mayor Kourianos wished to put emphasis on the fact that the city is addressing the safety issues and did not sell out in regard to safety.

It was stated that the only thing that Price City can do is take the request, look at it through the ordinance and say exactly what needs to be done. There is no tax money or incentives in regard to this new Maverik location and Mayor Kourianos stated that it is going to be beautiful.

As the area is a floodplain, there was a requirement to bring the dirt up eight feet. Though the traffic study did not necessitate a signal light, the conduit was put in should it get to that point. The location is specifically restricted to not be a truck stop and there will be no overnight parking allowed.

The mayor also stated that they are very sensitive to the opinions and concerns of the residents that are directly involved. Those that may have an issue are encouraged to contact the city, who will listen and enforce rules or changes if possible.

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