Price City Duo Recognized for Earning Road Scholar Certification


Brett Blackham and Will Payne were recognized during the April 10 Price City Council meeting for earning the Road Scholar Certification.

Recently, Blackham and Payne had achieved successfully completing all of the requirements for the program through the Utah Local Technical Assistance Program (Utah LTAP). Beginning the presentation, Public Works Director Miles Nelson stated that he fully supports both of the men and their endeavors.

Another individual said that this is an important training that takes a lot of time and is well worth it. This program requires individuals to complete structured training in five areas, as well as taking elected classes.

This training takes several years of instruction and attendance, going toward work done for the city. From there, the training continues onto a master course, which consists of five training areas and even more elected classes. Each scholar will work toward the master course and have already worked very hard to achieve this goal.

To conclude the recognition, it was stated that Blackham and Payne were an asset to the road department.

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