Public Art Grant to Bring More Color to Carbon County


During the Carbon County Commission meeting that was hosted on Wednesday evening, Tourism Specialist Tina Grange discussed the review and possible approval of two Public Art Grant Memorandums of Understanding (MOU).

The first MOU was between the Carbon County Office of Tourism and DeVincent Enterprises LLC. Grange explained that, with the help of the Tourism Tax Advisory Board, funding for this grant was approved. Two applications were received this year, which were then scored by a scoring committee.

Both were approved for the maximum amount of $10,000 and for DeVincent Enterprises, it will be a mural that was designed collaboratively by three artists and will work to serve as the centerpiece for a multifunctional space that can host a myriad of outdoor opportunities such as food trucks, events and the like.

The second MOU was between the office of tourism and Tony Basso, who Grange announced is working to bring back Mad Man Basso. Currently, he is working on renovating the old Sears building and plans to have a mural constructed on the side of the building that features old, classic cars.

Grange expressed her excitement for both of these projects, pending the approval of the commission, which was then granted.

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