Public Hearing Hosted for Four Corners Behavior Health


During their Feb. 7 meeting, the Carbon County Commissioners were visited by Four Corners Behavioral Health Director Melissa Huntington, as well as members of the community, for their annual public hearing.

Huntington explained that each year, as part of the statutory requirements in Utah as a local county authority, they come before the counties that they are responsible for to receive citizen input. Four Corners is responsible for the Behavioral Health in Carbon, Emery and Grand counties, and the goal of the hearing was to give the citizens of the county an opportunity to give feedback on the services that they provide.

The hearing may also act as an opportunity to respond to questions, concerns and the like. There are 10 mandated services that counties are obligated to provide and, through contracts with the counties, Four Corners provides those services for the citizens.

The public hearing was opened and the floor was given to those that wished to speak. Addy Clark began, saying that she has been going to the department since she was a young child in 1995. Though she has been struggling a lot lately, Four Corners has been helping her out with some of her legal issues and she is currently in mental health court, which she will graduate from soon. Clark shared that she would accomplish her goals early thanks to Four Corners.

Malcolm Freeman, who has attended Four Corners for over two years, stated that they have helped him get sober and find ways to pass his time. He said that the therapists really challenge him to find new ways to cope with his behaviors.

The visitors continued in this vein, praising Four Corners for being the one to finally break down many mental walls and roadblocks, which helped patients on their respective journeys. Many stated that Four Corners changed their entire lives and they would not be who they are today without their assistance.

Huntington requested to speak once again following these testimonies, thanking those that came out and braved telling their stories to the public. Huntington, who has been the Executive Director for three years, said that the quality of service, love and passion that her employees have touches her heart and she loved hearing the stories from those that work with them.

Commission Chair Larry Jensen then said that he has had the privilege of sitting on the Four Corners Behavioral Health Board of Directors. He credited it as a highlight of his time serving as a commissioner before stating that the employees’ passion for their jobs likely comes from them being helped themselves and making the commitment to wanting to give back.

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