This Flag We Fly *Video*


The students of Creekview Elementary honored our flag, our Veterans and our country last night during their patriotic program, “This Flag We Fly.”

They sang patriotic favorites and acted out important moments in history such as the Gettysburg Address.

The program was dedicated to all who have fought for America and her rights, and to showcase their pride the “Wall of Honor” was unveiled.

Originally the Wall of Honor began as a collection of paper bricks hanging in the gymnasium. The paper bricks soon began to show their wear and were in need of replacing. Principal John Thomas decided to replace the paper bricks with plaques of the soldiers names. There are currently over 200 names of Creekview family members who have served in the armed forces listed on the wall, and that list will only grow over time as men and women defend the United States of America.

Watch ETV channel 10 to watch the entire performance of “This Flag We Fly.”

Watch a clip of the event below.


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