UDOT Seeks Public Input on Long-Range Transportation Plan


Following a full house at the Helper City Council meeting and additional presentations to local commissions in February regarding improved safety on Highway 6, the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) is seeking further guidance.

On Monday, Helper City Mayor Lenise Peterman made the announcement that the Long-Range Transportation Plan by UDOT is now ready for public input. This plan will work to detail transportation needs and proposed projects throughout rural Utah, spanning the next 25 to 30 years.

The plan covers the planning process, performance, development of needs, strategies, policy and much more. UDOT explained that two rounds of regional gatherings facilitated through the local Association of Governments were instrumental in gathering insights and input from across Utah. The information provided context within each area as well as an initial outline of needs.

The proposed projects are intended to address transportation needs along state routes in rural Utah between 2023 and 2050. Representatives of UDOT have heard from the public regarding various transportation needs related to truck and RV traffic, transit, walking and biking, and general traffic itself.

Those that are interested may provide feedback on the plan and proposed projects three different ways. The first is to comment directly on a map by visiting udotinput.utah.gov/udotplanning.

Members of the public that would rather submit their information via email or by the phone may do so at planning@utah.gov or (385) 360-1900. UDOT stated that it is committed to providing meaningful, public engagement opportunities throughout the planning process.

UDOT’s deadline for providing feedback on these projects is July 25. More information can be found here.

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