Uinta Basin Railway Receives Final Approval


Press Release

The Uinta Basin Railway reached a major milestone this week with the final approval from the U.S. Surface Transportation Board (STB) to construct and operate the railway, subject to the Board’s environmental mitigation measures. The Uinta Basin Railway (UBRY) will enable efficient, environmentally sound railway transportation service to northeastern Utah’s industries and businesses, and the Ute Indian Tribe of the Uintah and Ouray Reservation.

“On behalf of our Seven County Infrastructure (SCIC) board members, I would like to thank the STB for their comprehensive review of the project.” said SCIC Executive Director Mike McKee. “It is important to note that we would not be where we are today if it were not for the superb cooperation of our stakeholders, the Ute Indian Tribe, federal, state and local agencies, our elected officials, and the public. We appreciate all of the hard work that has already gone into the railway and look forward to the continued hard work that will bring this project to completion.”

The environmental review process has included extensive opportunity for public participation as well as input from agencies and other interested parties. Based on this analysis, the STB identified the Whitmore Park Alternative as its Environmentally Preferable Alternative for the railway because it would avoid or minimize major environmental impacts compared to the two other build alternatives.

“We are grateful to the Board for its decision, and to the STB and the federal, state, local and tribal cooperating agencies for their careful, thorough and expeditious preparation of the railway’s Environmental Impact Statement,” said UBRY President Mark W. Hemphill. “We appreciate the tremendous support for the future of Utah’s Uinta Basin by the Business Committee of the Ute Indian Tribe, Utah’s entire federal delegation, Governor Spencer Cox, Senate President Stuart Adams, Speaker of the House Brad Wilson, and the county commissioners and mayors of the Uinta Basin. Our public partners, the Seven County Infrastructure Coalition, and their Executive Director Mike McKee, have put enormous effort into this railway for nearly a decade. We’re honored to participate in their vision for the economic success of their counties and communities.”

The STB’s license enables construction and operation of the Uinta Basin Railway by the Seven County Infrastructure Coalition. Uinta Basin Railway, LLC, will finance, construct and operate the railway. For more information on the Uinta Basin Railway, please visit www.uintabasinrailway.com. The STB’s decision may be viewed and downloaded here.

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