Update on Scofield Algal Bloom


Press Release

Southeast Utah Health Department officials have updated advisories related to the harmful algal bloom in Scofield Reservoir and river and secondary water in the Helper, Price, and Wellington areas.

Water tested at the Ivy Street Bridge in Helper, the Carbon Canal at the golf course, and the Price Canal near the Carbon School District Offices was free from potentially harmful toxins. Individuals that were refraining from irrigating crops or watering animals can resume using this water.

Scofield reservoir remains closed. Tests indicate that algae and toxins are present in enough quantities to potentially cause harm. We recommend that individuals fishing the Price River below Scofield exercise caution, stay out of the water, and clean fish with fresh potable water.

As long as the algae bloom remains in Scofield water we will continue to monitor Scofield and local waters for potentially harmful toxins.

For concerns about possible human exposure, call the Utah Poison Control Center at 800-222- 1222, or your physician.

For concerns about possible exposure to animals; contact your local veterinarian.

Local updates can be found at


Updates on this and other harmful algal blooms occurring in the state are available at:https://www.deq.utah.gov/Pollutants/H/harmfulalgalblooms/bloom-2016/index.htm

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