Wellington City Discusses All Things Beautification


The Wellington City Council rolled up their sleeves to begin a conversation regarding Main Street curb appeal during their Wednesday evening meeting.

An idea had previously been passed around to have Ward’s Landscaping come in and assist the city with their beautifying needs. Councilman Andrew Peterson brought up Main Street America, which has funding for these projects, for which the city had put in a bid in December.

Mayor Brad Timothy stated that they had discussed the watering system and its need for repairs. The cost of materials would be $65 an hour and the desire to get these reparations in order is to water what was beautified in the previous year.

Councilman Bill Juber said that intaking that cost to make sure that their work the previous year was successful was not so much a want, but a need. It was also said that, as a city, if they want residents to do something, it is up to them to set an example and if the city beautifies areas, residents can take pride in living in Wellington.

Councilman Peterson questioned how they can expect the residents to take care of their property if they do not take care of things first. Mayor Timothy questioned if the council was comfortable going forward with Ward’s for this project, though it was stated that it might go over the $1,000 limit for bids.

However, Wellington City Police Chief Tom Kosmack interjected, volunteering his time to look at the sprinklers before any decisions were made.

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