Wellington City Mayor Bids Farewell


Photo Courtesy of Wellington City

During Wellington’s City Council meeting held on Sept. 25, it was announced that Mayor Brad Timothy had officially resigned as Wellington City Mayor.

Timothy took office in 2022 and has served as Wellington’s mayor for approximately three years. Timothy’s daughter Nicole Oveson, Wellington City Treasurer, stated that her father accepted the mayor position to make a difference. Oveson stated that her dad has always been an extremely hard worker and that’s something that he also instilled into his children. Oveson said that her Dad has always been honest and loves his town very much, but not as much as he loves his family, whom he loves unconditionally.

“I have watched the unconditional love and support he has shown my mother,” stated Oveson.

Timothy is a life-long resident of Wellington City, born and raised in the area, and it was his goal to make a difference in Wellington. Timothy enjoyed learning about the back end of things and learning not only what it takes to run a city, but also seeing the time and dedication given to the city by city employees.

“My dad would like to thank all the council members that he has served with, along with the workforce of the city. The office help, Police Department, Fire Department, and the maintenance guys. He wants to thank those who have donated to the city, those that have stepped up and volunteered their help for the 24th celebration, those that helped with service projects and those that show up to council meetings to voice their opinions and concerns. He would like to thank the residents for being patient with all the construction,” stated Oveson.

Council member Jack Clark has been appointed interim mayor until one has been appointed. Wellington City is currently accepting applications for the position.

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