What is Delta-8 THC, and Is It Legal?


As a national trainer, Tall Cop Jermaine Galloway receives drug-related questions from across the country that range in topics from vapes to opioids and more. He stated that in 2021, the number one drug-related question that he fielded regarded Delta-8 THC.

Galloway explained that when generally referencing the common terms of THC, such as weed or cannabis, this is referring to Delta-9 THC. As he has been teaching, Delta-9 is what most know to be weed.

This begs the question: what is Delta-8? It is a compound from the cannabis plant in which many users report getting about half the high of traditional weed.

“Users also report that the high also doesn’t last nearly as long as Delta-9 THC,” said Galloway.

Many may wonder why there would be a desire to use the compound. The Tall Cop explained that, through research scans, feedback and discussion, a variety of reasons for Delta-8’s popularity was discovered. Some of these reasons are help with nausea, the compound being readily available and the fact that not all labs can test for it, which makes it popular for some individuals that are on probation or parole.

Galloway reported that Delta-8 is being found in many of the same forms that Delta-9 has traditionally been found, such as vape cartridges, the leaf, wax, mixed in with CBD products and more.

One of the most common forms of Delta-8 is a vape cartridge. A probation officer previously reported to Galloway that he had several clients that failed drug tests, claiming that they purchased Delta-8 cartridges from local gas stations. The clients had been informed, incorrectly, by the clerk that they would pass drug tests.

“In regard to the promotion and marketing of Delta-8 THC, we are seeing billboards on major highways, marketing in shopping malls where youth frequent, sales of various forms in cannabis dispensaries and sales in the local gas stations,” said Galloway.

Tall Cop urges those that may have questions regarding the legality of Delta-8 in their city, county or state to contact local prosecutors or district attorneys, as they are the ones that can clarify.

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