11 COVID-19 Patients Hospitalized


On Monday evening, the Southeast Utah Health Department announced that 11 regional COVID-19 patients are currently hospitalized due to complications from the virus. This includes seven Carbon County patients and two patients each from Emery and Grand counties.

Monday’s report also announced the new positive cases in the past four days, which includes 56 in Carbon County, 34 in Emery County and 10 in Grand County, In total, there are 195 active cases in the region, with 123 in Carbon County, 54 in Emery County and 18 in Grand County.

The region has recorded 42 deaths related to COVID-19 since the onset of the pandemic, including three announced just last week. The three deaths included two Emery County women between the ages of 45-64. One was hospitalized at the time of death while the other was not. The third death involved a Carbon County man between the ages of 45-64. He was hospitalized at the time of death.

While cases of the virus continue to be tracked, vaccine distribution remains a priority for the health department. As of Tuesday morning, 17,629 regional residents have been fully vaccinated. In total, 18,126 have received their first dose. Of the eligible population, 48.59% of Carbon County residents are fully vaccinated. In Emery County, 47.14% are fully vaccinated while Grand County leads the region with 64.44%.

According to the health department, there have been 166 breakthrough cases, which are those that have become infected with COVID-19 despite being vaccinated. The is .845% of the vaccinated population. Of these breakthrough cases, two patients have been hospitalized while one has died.

With this data, Carbon and Emery counties remain in the high transmission level for the virus. Grand County is in the moderate level.

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