Carbon County Recreation’s Alex Thayn Named March Employee of the Month


Alex Thayn of the Carbon County Recreation Department was announced as the March Carbon County Employee of the Month at Wednesday’s commission meeting.

Carbon County Human Resources Director Rose Barnes stated that Thayn has been on the list to be recognized for a long time. Last year, when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, there was an incident where they had to evacuate as there was someone with an active COVID case.

There were a number of parents that called and asked if there could be some way for Thayn to be recognized as she was very professional while evacuating the entire softball arena. “She did an excellent job,” Barnes commended.

Commissioner Tony Martines stated that the incident was handled very well, thanking her for not causing too much of a panic and handling it in a professional manner.

Frank Ori of Carbon Recreation also spoke, stating that Thayn does a great job and the tasks are not always easy in the recreation department. He said that she is always understanding and finds the best solutions possible. He emphasized that they are glad to have her on the team.

Thayn stated that it has been fun to work with the community and get to know the local youth through her job.

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