Carbon School Board Talks Construction, Challenges and Praises


During the Carbon School Board meeting that was hosted on Oct. 13, board member Gwen Callahan spoke on the Helper Middle School construction. She recently had the chance to tour the school and stated that she did not recognize the place that she spent 19 years working in.

Callahan said that it was a joy to see things happening in that school for the community of Helper. She said that it will serve the students for years to come while also assisting Helper’s growth.

Board member Jeff Richens then spoke on Creekview Elementary School’s construction regarding the new parking lot. He stated that the new lot is very nice and it flows much better now. He thanked the district for funding that and stated that next, Sally Mauro’s lot may inspected for future improvements.

Keeping on the topic of construction, both board member Keith Cox and Superintendent Mika Salas expressed their appreciation to the community, students, staff and more for working with the chaos and challenges that come with the construction of not only the aforementioned schools, but Carbon High School as well.

Next, Supt. Salas stated that she wished to celebrate the staff and students as there are many student athletes that are doing well, joined by the marching band, color guard, choir and many more. This is a great thing as these accomplishments have not been possible everywhere and though it has been a challenge, the superintendent also stated that it has been wonderful.

She then spoke on a post that she saw from a teacher that sent a message to their students asking “what would you like your teacher to know?” From that, the teacher received some insight that she likely would not have otherwise.

With this in mind, Superintendent Salas sent an email to all staff and asked what they would like for their superintendent to know. The answer could come anonymously or not, but her goal was to move forward and she remarked that the responses have been great. Supt. Salas is still collecting and receiving them.

All but one thus far have included their name on the reply and she is excited to put some things into action. “It has just been amazing,” stated Superintendent Salas.

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