Well-Known Taco Bell Employee Honored


The March 2022 Tourism Super Service Award was presented by Carbon County Tourism Specialist Tina Henrie during the Wednesday evening commission meeting. Beginning, Henrie stated that she first received the praises of the recipient on Facebook and requested it be submitted as a nomination.

This month, the honor was given to Vince Royal of Taco Bell. He was credited as one of the nicest, happiest people the nominator had ever met, who shared that anyone that interacts with Royal will have a better day. Working right off of the highway, visitors engage with him often.

The nominator said that the kind of person that they would like for people to think about when they speak about Carbon County is Royal. Henrie said that, though she does not often consume fast food, when she found out who the nomination was for, she had to go and experience it for herself.

“He is definitely amazing,” said Henrie. She also stated that she appreciates the local community members that visit Carbon County establishments and nominate individuals for this award.

Royal then spoke, stating that he appreciated the honor and that it was truly unexpected. He said that he has a lot of customers that come through and know him. Royal expressed his love for people and said that the love he gets from the people in this town is the love he returns.

Royal explained that he and his family moved to the area from Los Angeles and did not have much. He stated that the community has been so warm and nurturing. Royal was then presented with a certificate and a gift card to a local restaurant.

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