Miss Carbon County Presents Year in Review


The 2023 Miss Carbon County Royalty visited the commissioners during their meeting on Wednesday evening in order to present their year in review.

Legacy Taylor, Mini Miss Carbon County, began the presentation by stating that her favorite part of serving was being in the parades. Darbee Montgomery, Little Miss Carbon County, loved meeting new community members and making friends with them.

Junior Miss Carbon County Aiyana Lee expressed her gratitude in being able to serve the community. Her favorite memories included delivering presents for Sub for Santa, helping beautify the community during the United Way Day of Caring and the parades.

Lee was happy to promote her platform, which focused on anti-bullying. She thanked the commissioners and Carbon County for their love and support throughout the year.

Following, Miss Teen Carbon County Camryn Frandsen spoke. She shared that they had an amazing year and that she loved getting to know and serve the amazing people of Carbon County from the parades to ribbon cuttings and helping out with events. Her favorite part of the year was getting to know her fellow royalty and promoting her platform focusing on the senior citizens that made Carbon County what it is today.

Finally, Eminie Elliot, Miss Carbon County, stated that they had a blast throughout the year. “Being Miss Carbon County means that we can help the community and spread our platforms,” she stated.

Elliot’s platform promoted heart health and fitness. To promote it, she visited the local elementary schools and engaged in various activities, such as making jump ropes. Helping the community was her favorite part of the year, especially donating school clothes to the Children’s Justice Center.

Elliot concluded the presentation by stating that the royalty could not have accomplished anything that they have without the support of the commissioners. Commission Chair Casey Hopes then thanked the members of the royalty for representing the community, stating that they did a fantastic job.

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