Carbon School District Administration Receives Acknowledgement


A surprise recognition took place at the Carbon School Board meeting last week for Carbon School District’s administration team.

Creekview Elementary’s (CVE) staff brought Superintendent Mika Salas, Elementary Director Stacy Basinger and Business Administrator Darin Lancaster in front of the board for their chance to be recognized for a change.

“They always recognize us on the things we do, by finding positive things, so we thought it was their turn,” explained second grade teacher Elaine Taylor.

She explained that Creekview Elementary hosted a school-wide survey to find out what the staff loves most about their administration. The staff comments included that the administration takes the time to know their staff and they are fully trained to make the best decision for the district.

The CVE staff then individually recognized the administration team, beginning with Superintendent Salas. They expressed that when a concern is brought to Salas, she recognizes the concern, addresses it and finds a solution. She is kind to the staff and always proactive in her work, they said.

Next to the podium was Basinger. CVE staff explained that Basinger is dedicated to her job and is always gathering the full information before coming to a judgement. The Creekview Elementary staff enjoys having her in their school.

Last to the podium was Lancaster. The Creekview staff expressed that Lancaster is a trust worthy administrator and is always willing to help at any length needed.

The administration team was very honored and surprised by the recognition.

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