Carbon County Democratic Party Gathers for Nominating Convention


On Saturday evening, the USU Eastern Geary Theater played host to the Carbon County Democratic Party Nominating Convention. Kicking off the event, attendees were invited to peruse information that the candidates had brought along with them while enjoying pizza and ice cream.

The event had a great turnout, with just over 70 in attendance. Chairman Nathaniel Woodward opened the program by presenting the Mike and Bo Dimitrich Lifetime Achievement Award, which went to former Representative Brad King.

Following, Woodward gave a speech about the Democratic party’s legacy in Carbon County and how far it is has come. He noted strong Union roots and the need to re-establish the area as a fierce defender of the rights of the worker.

“I spoke on how growing up in Carbon County made me into who I am today and that we must focus on making our community stronger though investing in local resources and business, that we must oppose outside corporations coming here with the promise of jobs unless they commit to our longtime success by either investing so much into their local operations that if they fail here, their business fails everywhere, or that they agree to the unionization of their workforce,” Woodward shared.

Woodward then made the exciting announcement that, beginning this year, the old tradition of the Labor Day Picnic and Parade, celebrating all Carbon County workers and their families, is returning. Woodward stressed that this event welcomes all, regardless of party affiliation, as the Carbon County Democrats fight for the rights of all citizens and not those of a particular party.

The three legislative priorities were then highlighted. The first is Ashley’s Law, the second is USU Eastern Business School expansion funding and the third is funding from the legislature of the USU Eastern Prehistoric Museum.

Finally, candidates were given their time to speak. Those in attendance heard from a multitude of candidates, which were Brian King (Governor), Caroline Gleich (U.S. Senate), Laird Hamblin (U.S. Senate), Glenn Wright (Congress), Joe Christman (Utah House 67), Corbin Frost (Utah Senate 36), David Palacios (Carbon County Commissioner) and Robert Olson (Carbon County Assessor).

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