Green River City Council Discusses Fire Safety


By Robin Hunt

On Tuesday, Green River City Council met for their regularly scheduled meeting. The mayor started the meeting and allowed time for public comment. One citizen thanked the Green River Fire Department for their quick and professional response to a fire in Green River that came close to her home and many others.

Then the City Manager, Tyler Hunt, reviewed the budget. More information about the budget can be found on the Green River city website.

The council discussed fire ordinances and safety procedures that need to be followed. The Fire Inspector suggested including some notices and ordinances in resident’s water bills to help spread the word about some of the safety measures residents need to take to prevent fires. Many comments from the public offered suggestions and reiterated the need for enforcing these safety precautions. The city will move forward with sending a letter in water bills and then begin enforcement on individual properties that are not in compliance.

They also discussed the Bureau of Land Management (BLM)’s proposed road and trail closures in the San Rafael Swell area. The council will be sending an official letter to fight for keeping as many trails and roads open as possible. Councilman Guy Webster invited the public to submit their comments. The link to submit comments will be added to the Green River City website.

Their next meeting will be July 9 at 7 p.m. at the Green River City Hall.

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