Help Keep Letter Carriers Safe in Winter


USPS Press Release
Clear Snow and Ice from Sidewalks & Mailboxes

With the recent storms this week, the Postal Service is asking customers to ensure snow and ice is cleared from sidewalks, stairs, porches, and the approach to mailboxes whether on a house or at the curb. Keeping a clear path to and around mailboxes will help mail carriers continue consistent delivery as well as keep them safe from potential slipping and/or injuries.

Our carriers deliver the mail in all kinds of weather and the safety of our employees and the communities we serve is a top priority for the Postal Service.

Customers receiving door delivery should make sure their sidewalks, steps and porches are clear. And please consider leaving a porch light on for deliveries in early mornings or after dark sets in.

Customers who have curbside delivery should remove snow piles left by snowplows to keep access to their mailboxes clear for letter carriers and postal vehicles.

Delivery service may be delayed or limited whenever streets or walkways present hazardous conditions for letter carriers or when snow is plowed against mailboxes. Any impacted mail delivery is attempted the next business day.

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