Price City Council Conducts First Meeting of 2025


The Price City Council faced a lengthy agenda during their inaugural meeting of 2025. The meeting began with a quarterly safety drawing before a public hearing was opened in regard to the proposed updates to the Price City Land Use Management and Development Code for 2025.

Though the hearing was opened, there were no comments made, prompting it to be quickly closed. Following the hearing, the council approved an ordinance and several resolutions with little to no discussion on each during the meeting. The following were approved:

  • An ordinance adopting the updates to the Price City Land Use Management and Development Code, 2008 edition.
  • A resolution updating and establishing Price Municipal Corporation job descriptions for the positions of Project Manager and Senior Project Manager.
  • A resolution adopting the employee promotion career ladder matrix for the Public Works Specialist and Project Manager career track.
  • A resolution adopting a phased retirement policy and phased retirement employee agreement, and related matters.
  • A resolution confirming support and approval of a Price City application to WaterSMART for funding of the Lower Basin Reservoir Inlet Works.

In regard to the consideration and possible approval of a Development and Tax Increment Financing Incentive Interlocal Agreement in regard to new lodging properties proposed for development within Price City, Councilman Layne Miller wished to make a comment. He stated that this was something he had been involved with and he is glad it is being done.

Miller stated that this will be near JB’s restaurant and he believes that it can really enhance that part of town. When the public comment portion of the meeting was opened, community member Brittnie Anderson returned to speak on the intersection near Mont Harmon in which her nephew had been struck by a vehicle.

Anderson stated that she had not heard anything further from the city pertaining to plans for the intersection. Price City Mayor Mike Kourianos stated that he had a meeting scheduled with Carbon School District Superintendent Mika Salas on Monday, Jan. 13 to begin discussing what should be done.

The mayor wished to open dialogue with Supt. Salas due to the nature of the situation. Public Works Director Miles Nelson informed Anderson of the steps taken during a safety study and said the city is currently working through it. From there, Anderson asked the council how she could help.

One suggestion voiced was that Anderson could gather letters from nearby residents about the ongoing issues with that road.

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