A New Council Member For Ferron City


By Julie Johansen

Council member Woody Wilson recently moved back to Florida, leaving an empty council seat for Ferron City. Three applications were received, one being declined later, with two were considered at council meeting. Kellee Singleton was chosen as the new council member. Her term will run until December 2025.

Jared Howes then reported on the EMS for Ferron City. Mayor Trent Jackson and Howes both reported that because Howes works for the county he could not be on the EMS Board. Mayor Jackson will be filling Ferron City’s responsibility. A new ambulance for Ferron is being shipped and should be here within a couple of weeks. The old one will be a back up for Castle Dale City. The average response time for Ferron in the last month was 5.5 minutes.

A basic EMT Class will be taught starting on Oct. 29 at the Emery County Administration Building. The council thanked Howes for his reports.

Fire Chief Randy Kenney reported that the burn window is open and they have had one infraction of burning without a burn permit. They will be teaching fire prevention at the elementary and many of the firefighters are working on getting their red cards. A new engine is expected soon.

The maintenance position in Ferron is also available as Rick Price has new employment. The council discussed requirements and salary, but will consider the experience and qualifications of the applicants before making any final decisions. Side walk repairs and equipment maintenance were also considered. Fixing the fence at the south side of the Adventure Hub also needs attention and was approved to be completed soon.

The dumpsters at the city grounds are for residential use, not for commercial or industrial. They are also just for Ferron City and not surrounding areas. How to police this area was also discussed.

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