A New Council Person for Castle Dale City


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By Julie Johansen

The Castle Dale Council met on Thursday for its regularly-scheduled meeting. The main item on the agenda was to interview, discuss and appoint a new council member to fill a council seat. This seat was vacated when Jordan Leonard resigned to fill his new role as an Emery County Commissioner.

Two candidates applied for the seat, Terry Lofthouse and Adriana Chimaras. Each council member and the mayor asked a question to both of the candidates. The questions were in regard to their responsibility as a council member and their feelings toward Castle Dale City.

Following the interviews, a vote was taken and Chimaras will be the new councilmember by a vote of 3-1. Chimaras attended the meeting via Zoom as she was out of town with family, so she will be sworn in when she returns to Castle Dale.

Names were then given to the mayor as possible candidates for a beautification committee. The council also discussed the Land Use Committee and vacancies there.

Castle Dale City Maintenance Supervisor Ignacio Arrien then announced the safety awards of $150 each, which were given to Lael White, Tressa Skinner, Arrien, Seth Smith, Duston Hague and Shelby Smith. Arrien also reported on the maintenance of the city. One of the snow plows needs repair, but they are working on that as they have needed all three plows.

Britni Moreno, Castle Dale City Fire Chief, was next to report. She said that the department has responded to structure fires, but they were mainly assists to other departments. Also, the new fire engine is still in Salt Lake but should be arriving in Castle Dale soon.

Fire department awards were previously given and Jamie Robertson was presented the Outstanding Firefighter Award. Moreno also reported that they have eight members and at least seven of them have given 250 hours each of volunteer time. Construction work is continuing on the remodel at the fire station.

Castle Dale City Treasurer Tressa Skinner then reported a slight increase on all taxes and said that Airbnb taxes have remained steady. During council reports, it was noted that the Community Impact Board request was cut considerably, but $16,000 was received. The meeting was then closed to enter into an executive session.

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