A New Mayor Leads the Orangeville City Council Meeting


By Julie Johansen

Orangeville City Council met on Thursday, May 9. The new Mayor, Shaun Bell, was conducting with council members Tracy Addley, Greg Jewkes, Kevin Butler and Doug Stilson in attendance. The first action item on the agenda was a request from Jake Tuttle for a sewer hook up at 775 North Mill Dam Road. This would be attached to the sewer line coming from the Research Center. The council approved it and replied they would put it on the Special Service District list.

Parking on Main Street in front of the apartments was next on the agenda. The problem seemed, to the council, to be one of safety in pulling out of apartments and those traveling on Main Street. They have also had citizens voice concerns. The council decided to have maintenance paint no parking strips from the bridge to the apartment entrance, put no parking signs, and a stop sign coming out of the apartments.

A motion was passed to pay Gary Keedington, auditor/accountant, to assist with budget and to ensure they were in compliance with state statue. The comment was made that they could probably save enough to pay for the services.

A public hearing was the opened to receive input on the tentative budget for 2024-2025. There was discussion, though it was only from the city council, recorder and the clerk. After the hearing, a tentative resolution for the budget was adopted.

Ratification for adjustment for David Allred’s water leak was made and money for the Treasurer’s conference was approved. A survey for the cemetery was discussed and the council will look for a grant and contact Representative Christine Watkins for help in writing a grant.

It was also decided that the fee schedule for Orangeville City needed to be updated and changes made, as well as their Code Book. This action was tabled to obtain more information. The decision was then made that community service hours could not be accepted from those requiring those hours unless approved by the mayor.

Orangeville Days, June 13, was discussed with questions about lambs for the lamb fry and a request for community helpers was made by Councilman Kevin Butler. Councilman Greg Jewkes discussed the flood plain and actions that might be needed. He was also concerned about no alarm system on the Joes Valley Dam in case of dam failure. Another concern was all the build up under the bridge over Cottonwood Creek and how much water would continue to drain if a flood occurred.

Councilman Doug Stilson is checking to see if all short-term rentals are licensed and if their location is in allowed in the ordinance of ¼ mile apart.

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