By Julie Johansen
Ferron City Council appointed a new city recorder, Barbara Bowles, following her installation by city treasurer, Jacqueline Wilde, during the city’s monthly council meeting on Wednesday.
The first discussion item on the agenda for the meeting was citizen Kendal Yost with his concerns about safety issues of large coal trucks parking near schools. He spoke to the council about the potential danger regarding school children that are dropped off near cars and other vehicles in the area of his residence, Canyon Road and 400 West. He felt that it was an accident waiting to happen.
The council informed him that they had talked to the drivers of these trucks at an earlier date, which helped to alleviate the problem, but evidently the problem has surfaced again. A letter from the city will be hand-delivered to the drivers and also the trucking company asking that they refrain from parking there.
Following this, a request to use city hall twice a week at 6 a.m. for exercise classes was presented to the council. This will be just an exercising group with no teacher or director. The council granted permission and will coordinate having the building opened for this group.
The custodian for Ferron City Hall has been off work for medical reasons. Mayor Justice inquired of the employees working in the office, who have been doing the work in her absence, if they felt that they could continue until her return, which will probably be another month. The employees and members of the council commented that they would continue to volunteer their help.
Councilman Troy Winter then gave the council an update on the building progress of the new restrooms at the fairgrounds. The project will include men’s and women’s restrooms as well as a shower area separate from the restrooms. He also stated that the bids for the remainder of the Adventure Hub should go out soon. Councilman Winter is hoping they can be opened at March’s council meeting.
Next, a motion to add the amount of $500 for the exhumation of a grave to cemetery fees was voted on and approved by the council.
In a phone call with Great Life of Utah, it was decided unanimously by the council that the metal building at the fairgrounds would be available for temporary gym use. This would be as a fitness center included in the lease of the golf course. The building will require some remodeling and updating in order for it to be used. The council hopes this will only be for a couple of years until another building can be obtained. The suggestion was that maybe the kitchen area could still be used for other events by blocking off that area and adding a new outside door.
A request for a donation for Emery High graduation night was tabled because there was nobody in attendence to make the request. Appreciation was then extended to Sue Jones, who donated $400 to the Ferron Fire Department following their help with clearing her property by burning piles.
To conclude, Councilman Dell Mead announced that Ferron City’s February activity will be a paint class taught by Kaylynn Winn at the city hall on Feb. 28.