A New Year Starts For Castle Dale City Council


By Julie Johansen

Castle Dale City Treasurer Carolyn Montgomery gave the council good news at their meeting on Thursday, Jan. 9. She reported that sales tax for the year 2024 had risen $6,232 and transportation taxes had also increased by $580 over 2023.

Safety awards were approved, granting employees who have worked  over 1040 hours for the city a stipend of $150. These are awarded when there is no loss time accidents. Seven employees qualified and will receive those funds. The audit from Kimball and Roberts completed in June 2024, which was presented and discussed at December’s meeting, received an approval vote.

Terri Bennett from the Mostly Emery County Cyclists Association (MECCA) Mountain Bike Club asked the city for a donation to help with their Festival to be held May 2 through May 4. She told the council that they would be giving two bikes away this year. She also reviewed their plans for bike rodeos teaching safety to elementary students, helping the Forest Service with trail work in Joes Valley at Little Creek, inviting vendors to serve meals to all participants of which they had 62 last year. The council donated a silver donation in the amount of $250.

Mayor Dan Van Wagoner reported on Castle Dale City’s Emergency Services. The Castle Dale/Orangeville garage has two active EMT’s. He had attended the county wide meeting the previous evening and told of the dramatic change in the board following the state mandates that no active EMT could serve on the board. The EMS District is considering selling two older, 2005/2006 ambulances, for $15,000 and looking to buy a new one for $290,000 with delivery in 2026. There was a vote to stop ride-a-longs while serving. The year 2024 was the highest year for exports by ambulance.

Ignacio Arrien gave the city maintenance and fire department reports. He reported that the cost of Class B CDL class fees being attended by Kevin Raypush had been reduced, saving the city over $1,000. Arrien’s fire report stated that he has a full crew of seven fighters and have 80% coverage with an response time of about five minutes.

Castle Dale City is starting an Xpress bill pay with their utility accounts. This program is voluntary but encouraged by the city office. The hardware and software used to read water meters is having problems, along with other cities, and needs to be updated and/or replaced.

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