A New Year’s Resolution for Castle Dale City


By Julie Johansen

Mayor Van Wagoner requested that the council review current ordinances in Castle Dale City. The council agreed and so it was decided that each month a different ordinance would be studied, updated and made pertinent to the current situations in the city. Other matters before the council included barking dogs and discussion on whether or not that constitutes a nuisance or noise disturbance.

A lengthy discussion was conducted on the EMS situation facing the cities in Emery County and how is the best way to continue providing emergency medical service to its citizens. After requesting a study by David Church, Attorney for Utah League of Cities of Towns, review of new documents from the county commissioners and much discussion, including a teleconference with commissioner Keith Brady, the group decided to once again table any decision. This action is pending new documents and request for an audience with commissioners, mayors and Church.  Castle Dale City does however, feel that once the particulars are worked out, the endeavors of the county are the way to proceed in order to procure the best service.

A 2017 meeting schedule was approved with council meetings remaining on the second Thursday evening of each month at 7 p.m. An irregular budget meeting will occur in June. Paid vacation dates for full-time employees were also approved as well as Christmas bonuses for employees. Reports were heard from Zoning Administrator Lake, Fire Chief Arrien and Enforcement Officer Lofthouse. Two new business licenses have been issued this past month as well as the sale of a couple of dog licenses.

The auditor’s report found the city was in accordance with accounting principles of the United States. This report was approved by the council.

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