Carbon County Commissioners Tackled a Variety of Issues Last Week


Carbon County CommissionersВ recognizedВ Colleen Milchack from the Carbon County Children’s Justice Center as employee of the month at their meeting Wednesday.

Milchack was nominated by CJC Director Shelley Wright, who called Milchack her “right hand who kept me afloat over this past year.”

Since April is Child Abuse Prevention Awareness Month, the award was a good way to bring attention to the hard work and dedication of the entire center.

The commission also decided to retain the Law Firm of David M Allred for the public defender contract. The bids on that contract were opened during the last commission meeting and held for review.

Commissioner John Jones said though Allred’s proposal did not come in as the lowest bid, he had served the community for years. Commissioner Casey Hopes concurred with Jones and made the motion to approve Allred. After the vote was concludedВ CommissionerВ Jae Potter said he would have been inclined to go with the lowest bid, which came from Oliver and Sitterud.

Laura Jean Akers was reappointed to the Sheriff’s Merit Board. David Parker and Kyle Butcher agreed to serve another term on the Weed Board.

Commissioners also approved the purchase of a new vehicle for Carbon County Investigator Will Draughn. This will replace a current vehicle that Draugn is using that is no longer safe to operate.

A proposed addition to the OHV/ATV access routes through Carbonville was tabled until the next meeting. A public meeting on the regulations will have to be held but a date has yet to be set.

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