Carbon High Choir Students Spread Christmas Cheer


The talented Carbon High School (CHS) choir students have been busy this holiday season, visiting the elementary schools and nursing homes in the area to spread festiveness and fun.

On Dec. 9, the mens’ choir, Musettes, concert choir and vocal jazz visited all of the elementary schools within the Carbon School District and performed for the young students. This was credited as a fun experience for the Dinos as they were able to spread Christmas cheer by “singing loud for all to hear.”

Following this, the students then visited local nursing homes on Dec. 14, ensuring that they followed COVID-19 precautions. The students enjoyed being able to perform for the residents in person once again, having not been allowed to do so last year due to the pandemic.

“As a teacher, I love seeing my students use their talents to get outside of themselves and bless the lives around them,” stated CHS Choir Director Arthella Dean. “They are such a light in my life and I sure love them!”

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