CCSO Deputy Recognized for Lifesaving Efforts


For the month of September, which is National Suicide Awareness and Prevention month, the Carbon County Employee of the Month honor went to Blake Noyes, a law enforcement official with the Carbon County Sheriff’s Office (CCSO).

Noyes has been with the CCSO since 2016 and began as a Corrections Officer before becoming a Deputy on the road in Dec. of 2020. It was explained that, in May of 2024, a critical call was received from the National Suicide Hotline. A resident of Price was contemplating suicide, but did not provide a name or location.

With this minimal information provided, the CCSO worked rapidly to save this individual’s life. Officer Colton Greener began investigation the number, though there was no prior call history or identifiable information. The subject then contacted local dispatch and stated that they were in great need of assistance.

When the subject’s phone was pinged, law enforcement officials began searching the area, working with dispatch to hone in on the area. Deputy Noyes, Officer Greener and Officer Chris White traveled on foot to search the area that was pinged, announcing their presence.

The individual was located and diligent work was conducted to keep them responsive. When EMS arrived, the subject was stabilized and transferred to Castleview Hospital before being later life-flighted to a higher-level care facility. It was stated that, thanks to swift and coordinated action, the subject made a full recovery and was granted a second chance at life.

This is a testament to the skill, experience and teamwork of the law enforcement officials involved and each member played a vital role in the location and rescue of the subject. Beyond this, Deputy Noyes consistently exemplifies an exceptional officer. His willingness to cover shifts, continuously learn and wishing to make Carbon County a safer place sets a high standard for his peers.

Deputy Noyes was credited as a devoted son, husband, father and friend. For these reasons, he was proudly recommended to be the Employee of the Month for Sept. In recognition of his actions, he will be presented with a lifesaving pin.

Letters of appreciation were also read out for Officers Greener and White of the Price City Police Department and it was stated that the situation went to show exceptional teamwork between the two agencies.

There is a plethora of resources available for those in need. Four Corners Community Behavioral Health has a 24-hour Crisis Receiving Center in Price for those currently experiencing a mental health crisis, while Carbon Medical Service and the Southeast Utah Health Department have mental health services.

Live On Utah, NAMI, the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and, of course, 988 are all other resources available to any that may need them.

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