Cemetery Legend Truth or Fiction, Emery Historical Society Answers


By Julie Johansen

If you have visited the Castle Dale Cemetery, you may have wondered why there is a grave off alone in the Southwest Corner. You may have even heard the legend of why it is there. The Emery County Historical Society told the true story of Elbert Kenneth Gillis on Thursday evening, Oct. 17.

Val and Bernice Payne have been doing cemetery research for the State of Utah Archives. Using the same methods as the game of Clue, via a slide presentation, they helped the assembled group searched the who, the place and the what and why of this lone headstone.

Staff Sergeant Gillis was a native of Texas was murdered in Emery County at Woodside and then brought to Castle Dale for investigation of the crime. Most of his family had passed away except for a step mother, who was also his aunt, but she did not have the funds to bring him back to Texas for burial.

He was buried as an indigent in June of 1940, but when and by whom the headstone was placed to mark the grave is still unknown. This was a fun, informational and educational presentation for all who have ever wondered why. It also puts to rest the old legend of why it sits there alone.

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