Children’s Entrepreneur Market Coming to Melon Days


The Children’s Entrepreneur Market, a nonprofit that has been operating in Utah for seven years, began with three locations in 2017. The organization has since hosted 59 markets in Utah, allowing over 10,000 youth vendors to participate.

According to the nonprofit’s website, “With the demand for this real-world experience at an all-time high, the market has expanded to six new states in 2023.”

The market is coming to Green River’s annual Melon Days celebration this year and will be available on Sept. 15. This will give local youth a chance to participate and gain hands-on business experience.

Children ages five to 16 are invited to participate and can sell a wide range of goods, varying from food, games, handmade items and more. Children are in charge of all aspects of their business, included selling, and there is no bartering allowed.

All booths are a 10’x10′ space and families bring all of their own supplies, such as a table, canopy, etc. There are currently about 20 spots left to register for the market during Melon Days. Those that are interested can find more information here.

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