Community Welcomes Pastor Angela Chacon to Price


ELCABishop Gonia, newly ordained and installed Pastor Angela Chacon and Episcopal Bishop Phyllis Spiegel

Ascension St. Matthews Press Release

Angela Chacon, graduate of Wartburg Theological Seminary, was ordained and installed as the new full-time pastor at Ascension St. Matthews (ASM) in Price on Saturday, Oct. 7.

Presiding during the Ordination and Installation Service were Bishop James Gonia from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) from the Rocky Mountain Synod in Denver, Colo., and Bishop Phyllis Spiegel from the Episcopal Diocese of Utah in Salt Lake City.

The service was well attended by many local community members, out-of-town guests and by rostered leaders from the Episcopal, Lutheran and Church of the Latter-day Saints. The celebratory music and festivities were exciting, new to many, and enjoyed by all. A delightful meal, catered by Grogg’s, followed the service.

Pastor Angela Chacon began serving ASM on Sunday, Oct. 8 with a full communion service. She is looking forward to meeting and being in service with and for members of the Carbon County community.

Pr. Angela (who also speaks Spanish) would enjoy meeting you and you are invited to call the church office at (435) 637-0106 or come by the church. She will be celebrating full communion at Ascension St. Matthews (522 North Homestead Blvd. in Price, Utah) on Sundays at 10:30 a.m. and “All are Welcome” at the Lord’s table at ASM or you can also join us on our YouTube channel or via Zoom. Our blended Sunday worship service is followed by food and fellowship.

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