Concerns Raised During SEUHD Board Meeting


During the Southeast Utah Health Department (SEUHD) Board of Health meeting that was hosted in Green River on Nov. 22, a former employee requested to speak during the public comment period.

This former employee addressed the board, stating that she was employed by the SEUHD for nearly 30 years. During that time, this former employee completed a great deal of work. They were speaking during the public comment to voice concerns regarding the “toxic status” and work environment in the health department.

It was stated that this environment and behavior prompted this employee to enter into early retirement. It was indicated by this individual that there was discrimination against them while working, including being excluded from a training that would have benefitted their position. It was also stated that derogatory terms were used toward this employee and another, specifically in front of other employees as well as members of the public.

Concern was also raised in the belief that a position was only offered to specific employees. This individual also indicated that mistreatment by a staff member that is not associated with the nursing program was presented to the nursing director and no repercussion followed.

Due to this, the complaint was taken to the SEUHD director and was redirected to a supervisor, though it was said that this resulted in an “unproductive and hostile conversation.” This former employee informed the board that they felt as if their concerns were never addressed and it is believed that this environment will continue in the health department.

Later in the meeting, it was questioned why certain open positions are not advertised or offered to all nurses on staff. Brady Bradford, SEUHD Health Officer, stated that the employee manual indicates that the health officer has the latitude to determine if there are qualified individuals within the department that meet the qualifications of an open position. According to the manual, this decision can be made by the health officer and does not require board approval.

Though these concerns were raised, there was no official action taken as the concerns were expressed during the public comment portion of the evening. No others spoke during the public comment period in regard to this matter.

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