ECBC Lunch Attendees Learn About Custom Fit


Angela Murray of Custom Fit took a few moments during the Emery County Business Chamber (ECBC) monthly lunch and learn to chat with the attendees on what the program has to offer.

Custom Fit boosts the economy and supports workforce in Utah. Those that need training for themselves or their employees, such as a new certification, can apply for this program. After completion, there is an opportunity to get back up to 50% of the cost of the training. There were a number of attendees at the lunch and learn that had utilized Custom Fit before.

Murray stressed that those wishing to utilize the program must send in an application before the training is done. Once it is done, a proof of payment and completion is required and, if approved, a check can be cut to give money back.

Murray stated that this is a great way to incentivize businesses to keep up on trainings and certifications. Learn more about Custom Fit here.

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