Elmo City Council Accepts Business Licenses


At Elmo’s City Council meeting on Wednesday night, Lori Ann Larson, Frank Markosek, and Dennis Ardohain came to discuss the new Miner’s Memorial monument to be built in Castle Dale.

So far, they have had tremendous community support. They now have 50 miner’s lamps and will be giving away 25 in Carbon County and 25 in Emery County. For more information visit their Facebook page at www.ourminers.org.

Elmo approved its financial policy and procedure. Its auditors went to the state auditor’s office and felt that everything was efficient. Elmo’s policy was written at $1,000, and it has now increased that number to $1,500.

Elmo City accepted business license requests from Willie Pearson for a roofing business and Shannon Mortenson for a massage business.

There have been requests for a replacement of the tennis court net. The council will table until they get a cost of how much the net would be.

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