Emery School Board Meets Green River FFA


Photo by Jackie Allred

By Julie Johansen

Green River High School Principal Kacey Fluckey introduced several students from the newly-chartered Future Farmers of America (FFA) Club to the Emery School Board last week. The board meeting was held at Green River High School on Wednesday, Nov. 2.

FFA Chapter President Jo Vollmer, Treasurer Ryker Meadows and Historian Abby Erwin were among the students in attendance. During her report, she remarked that several of the student council members were also in the FFA Club. The FFA Club was chartered last year and has been able to compete at some state contests this year. Fluckey thanked the board for its support in all the events at the high school.

Trent Huntsman, Westland Construction, then gave the monthly update on the Ferron Elementary and Emery High School construction projects. At Ferron Elementary, the rest of the playground should be available by December. Phase 2 at Emery High has seen slabs poured for area A, which is the shop area. Area B, the office, counseling and cafeteria area, has had some sewer and drain issues, which are being worked out with the engineer. Area C, the auxiliary gym and weight room, is starting to see some slabs poured as well.

Next, a list of new hires was presented by Superintendent Ryan Maughan and approved by the board pending completion and review of background checks. The new hires are Krysta Whitmore, preschool assistant at Cottonwood Elementary; Jane Heiniger, part-time custodian at Canyon View Middle School; Chase Julian, head baseball coach at Emery High; Kasey Edgehouse, girls’ head golf coach at Emery High; Travis Olsen, head tennis coach at Emery High; Ethan Migliori, assistant tennis coach at Emery High; and Brittany Julian, secretary at Emery High.

It was then reported that James Gilbert, an external auditor from Gilbert and Stewart, completed the audit. Emery County School District submitted the FY21 financials to be review by the auditor and they received excellent awards for the 14th year in a row.

Emery County School District Transportation Supervisor Tracy Rowley then presented quotes for new buses. These estimates were presented earlier than usual this year because of the year-long delivery estimates. The board approved the order of one bus based on the purchase of three buses last year. The Emery High auto competition team also received approval by the board to compete in New Mexico again this year.

Realignment discussions have led to a study with other schools districts in the state that have tried various options. A motion to maintain the current alignment for another school year was made and approved. Staffing will also remain the same.

To conclude, recognition for fall quarter academic all-state was given to the following students: Emily Roundy, cross country; Danika Farley, tennis; Carter Huntington, golf; Aubrey Guymon, Brielle Rowley, Haidyn Roper and Tylee Perkins, volleyball; and Alexia Mortensen, Ashlyn Durrant and Makila Peacock, soccer.

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