Emery Town Considers The Pending BLM Travel Management Plans


By Julie Johansen

The Emery Town Council met on Wednesday, May 8. Council members Patrick Sundstrom, Michael Christensen, Kim Hansen, Mayor Jack Funk and several citizens were in attendance. The majority of the meeting was discussing the Bureau of Land Management (BLM)’s Travel Management Plan.

The four options, plan A, B, C, D were considered with a definite choice being D, no changes. A history of the Swell’s plans since 1970 were reviewed with dismay at the regulations imposed on the citizens. It was stated that these regulations from the pending plans are not being designed by the local BLM officers, but by the Secretary of the Interior, Nada Wolf Culver, and National Director of the BLM, Tracy Stone Manning.

The proposal for closing 949 miles/routes on BLM ground would adversely affect Emery Town because it is surrounded -360 degrees by BLM ground. The proposed closures would mean many camping spots off the main road closed, no motorized vehicles and making hauling water to troughs for livestock impossible. Looking at maps also pointed out that highway 72 towards Loa would also be effected with many off-road closures.

FLPMA, The Federal Land Policy and Management Act, requires that local government agencies should be informed of pending changes, though Emery Town had received no communication in this regard.

There were many concerned citizens at the meeting and a decision was made to form a committee and make a written comment as a community greatly affected when the public comment period opens on June 6. A meeting is planned for May 16 at 8 p.m. at City Hall and all concerned citizens are encouraged to attend. Individual citizens also will be taking pictures to support their statements to try to help prevent this action.

Emery’s Fire Chief, Scott McClaughry, then announced trainings and activities of the Fire Department. Petty Cash allowances were then discussed by the council. Chief Scott was concerned about buying lunches and drinks for the volunteer firemen when called out or attending a training that does not provide those amenities. The question was “what can the petty cash budget be used for, when can it be used and by whom?” Further study will be done with action taken at the next meeting.

Emery Town is working on policies and procedures and expansion plans are pending following these being put into place.

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