Emery Town Hosts “Build a Snowman”


By Julie Johansen

During Emery Town’s regular November council meeting, Councilmember Kim Hansen explained the “Build A Snowman” activity planned for Saturday, Nov. 25. She explained that citizens can pick up tires from the pile by the dumpster and bring them to the town maintenance building at 10 a.m. Emery Town will furnish the black and white paint and participants can bring scarves and any hat decoration they would like to use. It is their hope that many of these snowmen will be displayed all over town as well as in individuals’ yards. There will also be hot chocolate and cookies for everyone.

Kyla McClaughry, Emery Town Assistant Fire Chief, reported on her husband Scott’s illness. She stated that he seems to be improving, but as the fire chief, they are needing people to join their team. She stated that this is especially crucial when there are fires on I-70. The Ferron Fire Department has been called to also step in when needed.

Councilmember Lindsay Edwards reported on the construction progress on the old church. The cement work will continue for a few more months and the work in the basement also continues. She was grateful for the rock donation from Southwest Rocks.

Councilman Pat Sundstrom, who attends the special service district meetings for Emery Town, spoke about the raise in out-of-city limit fees for water and sewer hookups. This increase is $13 and will require cities and towns to raise their fees to meet the obligations to the special service district. The town clerk reported that Emery has 17 out-of-city limit connections. This increase to the service district will start in January, so Emery Town will consider this before beginning the new billings. He also addressed securing an easement around Dave Taylor’s property. The council approved this easement.

Mayor Jack Funk reminded all of the traditional Emery Town Christmas Party on Dec. 24, but the time is still under discussion. It was also announced that the Christmas yard decoration contest will continue again this year.

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