Green River EMT Receives Utah Volunteer Award


By Robin Hunt

Scott Ryan was presented with the Utah Volunteer Award during the Green River City Council meeting on Tuesday evening. 

Valerie Newland, who presented him with the award, said that Ryan was nominated because of his spirit, knowledge and determination to be a Green River EMT. She said this is especially commendable in rural Utah during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

“I feel extremely honored to have been recognized for this award,” said Ryan. “When you have such a passion for EMS and to help others, you rarely get that reminder that you are appreciated. I want to thank all the EMTs that I work with, because they are the backbone and the reason I fight so hard for EMS, so that we are able to provide such a critical service for our community.” 

Ryan has been with Green River’s EMS for three years and has worked hard to serve the community. He was issued the award from Governor Spencer Cox’s office.

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