Huntington City Announces Changes and Happenings


By Julie Johansen

Huntington City Mayor Leonard Norton welcomed everyone to the city’s council meeting on Wednesday evening. Following this, he announced a requested meeting time change for the city’s planning and zoning board. The meetings will now be at 6:30 p.m. on Monday. The change was necessary as many members’ work schedules conflicted with the previous time.

Mayor Norton also requested the approval of Keera Justice’s appointment to Huntington City’s audit committee to replace a resigning member. This was approved by the council. Tom Kay was then appointed the Mayor Pro-Temp by Mayor Norton. Signatures on bank accounts also needed to be changed. These will now be Jenene Hansen, Tom Kay and David Emery.

It was then announced that Huntington City’s attorney, David Blackwell, is retiring and the city has received notice of his resignation.

Following this, councilman Judd Beagley requested a portable pitching mound for the Hart’s ball field so that the field could be used for both softball and baseball. The chain link fence will also need to be removed to make both fields compatible. He said he is requesting service projects from teams using the parks. Beagley concluded by reminding everyone that reservations for the ball fields need to be done through the Emery County Recreation Department.

The council was then advised of a training on the First Amendment, which will be Monday, March 21 at the Huntington City Hall. A Mother’s Day craft festival is scheduled for May 7 at the Huntington City Park from 10 a.m. until 8 p.m.

The time was then turned over to Huntington City Fire Chief Chase Majors, who thanked the city staff for their work in helping to obtain a $58,000 Community Development Block Grant. He also remarked that they are in the process of purchasing equipment with the funds from the grant they received last year.

The chief also requested reimbursement for the cost of an app on his phone that would help him locate fires and firefighters. In addition, this app will tell him the circumference of the fire. The council approved this reimbursement. Majors also announced a training that his department is hosting on March 25 and 26. Friday’s training begins at 6 p.m. at the fire department while Saturday’s will be at the softball complex from 10 a.m. until 5 p. m.

This the 2022 Southeast Area Engine Workshop and will also be in Monticello on April 1 and 2 at the San Juan County Safety Department.

To conclude, it was announced that Huntington City’s annual Easter egg hunt will be on April 2 at 10 a.m.

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