Joe’s Valley Dam Unharmed by Earthquake


Concerned parties drew a breath of relief Thursday at the Orangeville City Council Meeting when officials announced the Joe’s Valley Dam was not damaged during Tuesday’s earthquake.

Councilman Jeffery Tuttle and a Sherriff’s Deputy inspected the dam for damage. No more than a few small rocks rolled onto the road.

Councilmen became concerned that nobody would have known if the dam had sustained severe damage. Councilmen discussed the possibility of installing a warning system.

“I saw on the news that Provo has still has the old siren [system],” Councilman Kevin Reynolds said. “They tested them just the other day. If there is any kind of crisis or anything they use the sirens to let everyone know.”

Mayor Patrick Jones said, “[It] would be a good idea if a siren went off to let the community know.”


  • Jones said he would like Orangeville to consider adding a walking trail similar to the new trail in Carbon County.
  • Councilmen decided to build a salt shed big enough to house trucks and a backhoe.
  • City Attorney Craig Smith and Jones drove around the City and looked at lots that needed to be cleaned. Smith suggested charging lot owners for cleanup costs or fining them until their properties were cleaned.
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