Lady Dinos Improve to Eight Wins in Region


Photo by Maxwell Misner

The Carbon Soccer team hosted the Delta Rabbits on Tuesday for a region matchup. The Rabbits were sitting at a 4-6 region record, putting them in the middle of the pack in the Region 12 standings. Carbon came into the game 7-3, looking to finish out the regular season strong.

The Lady Dinos would strike first, scoring a goal in the first half, hoping to score some more in the second to give them some distance. They did just that with two more goals by the end of the match. The defense held strong, receiving a shutout against the Rabbits. Malia Smith ended the match scoring two goals for Carbon. Bailey Johnson finished with a goal and an assist; Kenzie Morgan helped out with an assist as well.

The season begins to come to a close, with three more matches remaining. They will face Richfield on Thursday on the road. Then, next week, they will host two matches against the Manti Templars and Emery Spartans.

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