New Council Members Announced for Ferron City


By Julie Johansen

During the recent Ferron City Council meeting, City Recorder Barbara Bowles presented the canvas of the 2023 general election for Ferron City Council. This announced the new council members.

With two incumbents, Troy Winter and Brad Richman, not seeking reelection and replacing the resignation of Chris Winn permanently, three new council members were needed. The new council members will be Laramie Morgan, Vance Brown and Ray Petersen.

The Emery Telcom telephone proposal was approved. It will be purchased as a package and will include a monthly fee.

Liz Nelson from the Planning and Zoning Commission then spoke to the council about increasing the area zoned as Central Commercial and adding R1-7500 to allow for smaller lots to increase the ability of housing. She was just requesting the city council’s feeling so that a public hearing could be scheduled.

The city hall’s holiday schedule was approved. Dog clinics were then announced. Dr. Utley will be available on Jan. 25 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. and Dr. Truman on Jan. 13. These clinics will be at the Ferron City Fire Station.

City workers’ cell phone coverage will be discontinued and $20 per month stipends will replace them. It was also announced that Ferron City Council meetings will now be on the first Wednesday of each month.

Consideration of quotes for speed signs on Molen Road was tabled for further information. It was also announced that the special service district is increasing outside of city limits utility charges by $14, which means cities must do the same thing.

Mayor Trent Jackson then reported on responses he received from his comments on the city’s newsletter. There had been questions on the beer sales at the American Legion fundraiser, concerns about the placement and desire for dumpsters and burn pile, and consideration of more activities for Peach Days. He also announced a newly-elected officials training on Dec. 16 at 1 p.m. in the planning and zoning room at city hall. This will be online training.

Council member Petersen spoke about seeking bids for new roof on the firehouse, which he hopes can be completed soon.